Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good News!!!

Apple to fix hole in password-protected iPhones

Apple plans to release a fix next month for a security hole that enables someone to access data on a password-protected iPhone, according to a MacWorld report.

The flaw lets anyone who gets ahold of the iPhone to circumvent the password protection and get access to e-mail, text, and voice messages.

"The minor iPhone security issue which surfaced this week is fixed in a software update which will be released in September," Apple spokeswoman Jennifer Bowcock wrote in an e-mail to Macworld.

Bowcock suggested that iPhone users set the device so that double-clicking the home button will take the user directly to the home screen, which will be the unlock screen if password protection is turned on.


This would be of good news for those who owns iPhones. This would serve as protection and for security purposes. Good that apple have already the solved this issue.


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