Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good News!!!

Apple to fix hole in password-protected iPhones

Apple plans to release a fix next month for a security hole that enables someone to access data on a password-protected iPhone, according to a MacWorld report.

The flaw lets anyone who gets ahold of the iPhone to circumvent the password protection and get access to e-mail, text, and voice messages.

"The minor iPhone security issue which surfaced this week is fixed in a software update which will be released in September," Apple spokeswoman Jennifer Bowcock wrote in an e-mail to Macworld.

Bowcock suggested that iPhone users set the device so that double-clicking the home button will take the user directly to the home screen, which will be the unlock screen if password protection is turned on.


This would be of good news for those who owns iPhones. This would serve as protection and for security purposes. Good that apple have already the solved this issue.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

News on the Line!!!

iPhone 3G officially launches in RP
By Lawrence
First Posted 03:38:00 08/22/2008

MAKATI CITY – Putting much hype into it down to the last minute, Globe officially launched the iPhone 3G Friday midnight.
Hundreds -- joined by Globe officials and a number of local celebrities -- flocked to Ayala Stock Exchange at the heart of the Makati business district Thursday night awaiting the official launch.
The atmosphere was festive and mirrored New Year's Eve as people counted down towards the midnight launch. Though unlike in other countries where Apple fanatics lined up for days waiting, some had to line up nonetheless and waited for hours before being able to buy iPhone units.
Nina Angela Sarmiento was the first person in line to buy an iPhone, having waited since 3 o'clock in the afternoon of August 21.
Gerry Ablaza, Globe's chief executive officer, also awarded an iPhone as a token to Ankush Raisinghani, human resources director for Procter and Gamble Philippines, who has been a Globe Platinum subscriber since 1997.
In May, Globe was among the first operators in Asia to carry the iPhone 3G along with Singapore's Singtel, Australia's Optus and India's Bharti Airtel.
Early this month, Globe initially announced it will sell the device via prepaid at P41,899 and P48,899, for the 8 gigabyte and 16gigabyte models, respectively.
Globe afterwards announced price rollbacks saying it will sell iPhone 3G prepaid kits starting at P37, 599 (8Gb) and P43, 799 (16 GB). Buyers can avail of zero installments through local credit card partners.
Globe's prepaid plans come with P1000 load spread over five months, or P200 per month. Also, the first 1,000 phone kit purchases will get additional P1,000 discount off the purchase price, Globe said in its previous announcement.
The iPhone 3G is also available via postpaid subscriptions ranging from P1,599 to P4,999 monthly fees.

A good news for everyone.......
A new gadget is here......
This would result to great changes in the technological advancment of the Philippines.


Friday, August 15, 2008

News Break!!!!!!

Wikipedia founder aims to break Google stranglehold
Agence France-PresseFirst Posted 16:46:00 08/14/2008

SINGAPORE -- Watch out, Google. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales hopes that Wikia Search, a project he spearheads, will break Google's domination as the world's most widely used Internet search engine.

Google and fellow titans Yahoo! and Microsoft dominate the Internet search engine market which Wales said was already causing some worry among web users.
"Right now in the US in particular we have a really strong concentration of the industry," Wales said Thursday at the Global Brand Forum in Singapore.
Industry statistics showed over 90 percent of Internet searches in the United States are done through the three firms, he said.

"So a lot of people are really concerned about this... Do we really want all of our traffic, all of our editorial control of the Internet all being piped through one, two or three companies? I don't think we do... I think we want to have a broader marketplace than that."
Wales said Wikia Search will run on an open platform, similar to the principles behind Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia in which entries can be made and edited by anyone with an Internet connection.

"All of the existing search engines are proprietary black boxes," said Wales. "You have no idea how things are ranked and what's going on."
With Wikia Search, users "can participate in meaningful ways" when they browse the Internet, he said.


This would be a big competition between the two sites. Google now is leading the way, but if the wikia search will be pushed through then, this might result to a strong and stiff battle. For me, wikipedia is also one of the most reliable source of information. They do give the facts that a user needs. Google will surely need to watch out for it.......


Friday, August 8, 2008

New On Techno!!!!!!

JAJAH turns mobile telephones into translation tools
Agence France-PresseFirst Posted 07:45:00 08/08/2008

LAS VEGAS -- Internet voice telephony firm JAJAH on Thursday launched a first-of-its-kind free service that lets English and Mandarin speakers use mobile telephones to translate conversations.
JAJAH Babel is being released in time for the Olympics in Beijing in order to help English-speaking tourists better communicate with people in China.
"We are removing the language barrier and providing a valuable service to anyone traveling to Beijing this summer," said JAJAH co-founder Daniel Mattes.
"JAJAH was built to bring down barriers to global communication through high quality, low-cost calls available from any phone, any network, anywhere."
JAJAH worked with researchers at US technology giant IBM to create a service that lets mobile telephones act as automated translators between Mandarin and English speakers.
People in China will be able to call a local number to access automated translation software that takes what they say in one language and rephrases it in the other.
Local access numbers are also provided in Australia, Britain and the United States.
"No more translation books, no hand gestures, simply dial a local number, say your message in English and hear it back Chinese," California-based JAJAH promises.
"Any phrase can be translated and shared with others by passing the handset or activating the phone's speakerphone function."
JAJAH plans to expand to other languages in coming months.


It is a great news.....this would help solve the problem on how to have a good talk to those people who are not actually having difficulty in using the English language....

A new discovery and invention it is for us.......(=^0^=)
